Justice for All

Is our idea of justice the same as God’s? We tend to only think of justice in terms of retribution for wrong. God’s concept of justice included retribution but is so much larger than that. Tune in this week as we see how justice and being created in the image of God should impact our lives.


Oneness EmbRACEd

Race isn’t as important as we make it out out to be. If you’re black or white, Hispanic or Asian, you’re primary identity should be found in Christ. In this special Hour long sermon we tackle the tough conversation about race & racism in the church.


A House Divided: Church Drama

When believers allow themselves to divide over matters that are not meant to be divisive, the power of the Gospel becomes a distant thought. Paul approached the Corinthians Church with to urge them to stop acting like children and grow up. That message is still pertinent today. Take a listen as we discuss what God’s house should look like when we are unified.
